HAIRY TALE COSMETICS - Snake cotton bag

HAIRY TALE COSMETICS - Snake cotton bag

Regular price 19,99 zł

HAIRY TALE COSMETICS Cotton bag can hold whatever you want!

Are you going shopping and don't have a bag to hold your hair arsenal? Are you going to the store to buy rolls ( let's be honest, at the checkout you'll still buy some conditioner on sale!) ? With our lavender Hairy Tale Cosmetics bag, made of 100% cotton, you will shine and feel like the queen (and king) of shopping and HAIR!

Two snakes from Wasabi lotion stand guard over its future contents.

What about the rest of the candidates for the guardian of the Hairy Tale Cosmetics cotton bag?

At first, we thought about the fennec fox from Liquid Gold , but he told us that it is not ready yet and must take care of your hair (just like the butterflies from Oatme and biana ).

However, the snake from the Magic Mushrooms lotion got lost among the magic shitake mushrooms. Another candidate was Raccoon from Squeaky Clean Shampoo . He really wanted to be on the bag, but he has a lot of chelating work and we still have to wait.

Murky and the snail Merhair swim in endless oceans of hair. However, Dragon Wash keeps the scalp clean, and Fluffy the bat and Grasshopper the grasshopper are difficult to catch :(

In any case, we don't rule anything out and as soon as one of the animals has some time, it may appear on the next bag!

Why is the Hairy Tale Cosmetics Cotton Bag unique?

  • Made of 100% cotton .
  • It will hold a large amount of Hairy Tale cosmetics !
  • You can throw it over your shoulder thanks to the long straps .
  • The screen printing print is durable. This means the snakes won't escape anywhere! :)
  • It meets the needs of every hair enthusiast.
  • It will delight your friends and they will want to have it too!
  • By going out with her, you show that you are a hair fanatic without saying that you are a hair fanatic!

Unlike hair and scalp care, the bag is not demanding. It can be washed in a washing machine up to 40°C.

100% cotton

Dimensions: 37 cm x 42.5 cm (with straps 37 cm x 74 cm)

Informacje o produkcie

Name: Fractal Solutions sp. z o.o.

Address: Chełmżyńska 253A 04-458 Warszawa



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